1st Half (0:59) Seniors Trevor Waite, Joel Okafor and Evan Maxwell recap the season and discuss how their growth in an IAm3rd identity will shape their next season of life. 2nd Half (17:24) Coach Tonagel gives his final thoughts on the season and how he measured the success of a year that ended in a loss rather than a national championship.

Episode 4.23 “Identity of 3”

1st Half (0:59)

Seniors Trevor Waite, Joel Okafor and Evan Maxwell recap the season and discuss how their growth in an IAm3rd identity will shape their next season of life.

2nd Half (17:24)

Coach Tonagel gives his final thoughts on the season and how he measured the success of a year that ended in a loss rather than a national championship.  He shares the meaning and potential of coaching or leading if done in pursuit of the IAm3rd life.

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