1st Half-(1:09) Trevor Harrell goes inside a players only meeting the leaders called after the team's three game losing streak. He shares about the fear the other players had as they walked in to the meeting and gives insight into what happened behind closed doors.

1st Half-(1:09)
Trevor Harrell goes inside a players only meeting the leaders called after the team’s three game losing streak.  He shares about the fear the other players had as they walked in to the meeting and gives insight into what happened behind closed doors. 

2nd Half-(9:50)
Trevor Waite and Kyle Mangas go into more detail about the players only meeting. As one of the chosen leaders of the team, Trevor shares why this was a critical moment of the season for the players to step up. Kyle tells listeners what it was like as a freshman to get called to a higher level of leadership by the older players. 


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